Cornerstone Hospice Breaks Ground

There were more than 125 dignitaries, board members, business owners, and community members at the ground breaking for the expansion at the Hospice House in The Villages at 601 Casa Bella Road.
The second state-of-the-art Hospice House will overlook Lake Sumter and include 12 more patient rooms and a grand room for families and friends to rest and relax while visiting their loved ones. In addition, there will be a cafe and dining area that features modern appliances, a community conference area, and administrative offices for the home care team members who visit patients at home.
The Hospice House was opened in 2003 and with its 12 beds has served approximately 6,000 patients. One of the largest providers of hospice care in
Very nicely written article Leigh! Thanks for covering this exciting event in our community!
Thanks so much. We’re always happy to support Cornerstone Hospice and thank you for all you do for residents of the area.