• Published On: July 26, 2019By 8 min read

    Man was given free will—to choose to follow God or not. Story: Shannon Carroll Have you been told that God gives you ill health, sickness, or disease? Do you believe [...]

  • Published On: July 1, 2019By 1.1 min read

    It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your own little world that you forget to look around. That’s a shame, because just looking around can have a huge impact [...]

  • Published On: May 28, 2019By 2.6 min read

    One universal law says what goes around, comes around. Story: Shannon Carroll As sure as gravity, lift, and thrust, there are universal and immutable laws firmly embedded into creation and [...]

  • Published On: May 28, 2019By 0.3 min read

    Love unconditionally.Be grateful for what you have.Give to those in need.Read spiritual books that give you hope.Enjoy the day without worry for tomorrow.Forgive others and let go of your anger.Find [...]

  • Published On: May 28, 2019By 4.9 min read

    When overeating is driven by spiritual hunger. Story: Julie M. Simon, MA, MBA, LMFT Most of us mere mortals fall prey to the notion that an enduring sense of happiness, [...]

  • Published On: May 8, 2019By 1.5 min read

    Jim and Connie Fleck of Ohio come to Tavares as snowbirds every year, but that doesn't mean they stop their volunteer work. As a retired nurse, Connie began her volunteering [...]

  • Published On: April 28, 2019By 4.6 min read

    Close friendships are a vital part of a woman’s life. You’d have to be living in a cave not to know that eating healthy food, exercising, and finding a positive [...]

  • Published On: April 28, 2019By 4 min read

    It’s important to allow kids to grieve in a way that helps them heal. Story: Edy Nathan  Parents of grieving children often feel at a loss as to how to [...]

  • Published On: April 28, 2019By 3.9 min read

    A female veteran’s journey through post-combat mental illness. Story: Susie L. Landown-Clarke As an accomplished combat warrior, I had to confront a different enemy after returning from war. I was [...]

  • Published On: April 28, 2019By 0.3 min read

    “Spirituality is not a formula; it is not a test. It is a relationship. Spirituality is not about competency; it is about intimacy. Spirituality is not about perfection; it is [...]

  • Published On: March 28, 2019By 4.3 min read

    Chet Coker has been a faithful servant to God and country. Chet Coker was lying face down in a Korean rice paddy field when he made a life-changing plea to [...]

  • Published On: March 28, 2019By 2.8 min read

    Red flags usually appear ahead of an attempt. Story: Dr. Carolina Castaños  Sometimes suicide appears to happen out of the blue, suddenly, and without any apparent signs. On average, there are [...]

  • Published On: March 28, 2019By 1 min read

    If you recently experienced the breakup of a relationship, you may feel deep loss. Bridget Fonger, author of “Superhero of Love,” offers these tips to help you deal with the [...]

  • Published On: February 26, 2019By 2.4 min read

    A daily, proactive approach can get you closer to your dreams. Story: Bridget Webber Everyday goals get you where you want to be. Not pipe dreams. It’s good to dream [...]

  • Published On: February 26, 2019By 0.2 min read

    “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”—St. Francis [...]