“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And [...]
Here are helpful tools from mindfulness expert Julie Potiker to process and cope with grief: 1. Try 10 or 20 minutes of meditation twice a day if you can make [...]
Man was given free will—to choose to follow God or not. Story: Shannon Carroll Have you been told that God gives you ill health, sickness, or disease? Do you believe [...]
It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your own little world that you forget to look around. That’s a shame, because just looking around can have a huge impact [...]
One universal law says what goes around, comes around. Story: Shannon Carroll As sure as gravity, lift, and thrust, there are universal and immutable laws firmly embedded into creation and [...]
Love unconditionally.Be grateful for what you have.Give to those in need.Read spiritual books that give you hope.Enjoy the day without worry for tomorrow.Forgive others and let go of your anger.Find [...]
When overeating is driven by spiritual hunger. Story: Julie M. Simon, MA, MBA, LMFT Most of us mere mortals fall prey to the notion that an enduring sense of happiness, [...]
Jim and Connie Fleck of Ohio come to Tavares as snowbirds every year, but that doesn't mean they stop their volunteer work. As a retired nurse, Connie began her volunteering [...]
Close friendships are a vital part of a woman’s life. You’d have to be living in a cave not to know that eating healthy food, exercising, and finding a positive [...]
It’s important to allow kids to grieve in a way that helps them heal. Story: Edy Nathan Parents of grieving children often feel at a loss as to how to [...]
A female veteran’s journey through post-combat mental illness. Story: Susie L. Landown-Clarke As an accomplished combat warrior, I had to confront a different enemy after returning from war. I was [...]
“Spirituality is not a formula; it is not a test. It is a relationship. Spirituality is not about competency; it is about intimacy. Spirituality is not about perfection; it is [...]
Chet Coker has been a faithful servant to God and country. Chet Coker was lying face down in a Korean rice paddy field when he made a life-changing plea to [...]
Red flags usually appear ahead of an attempt. Story: Dr. Carolina Castaños Sometimes suicide appears to happen out of the blue, suddenly, and without any apparent signs. On average, there are [...]
If you recently experienced the breakup of a relationship, you may feel deep loss. Bridget Fonger, author of “Superhero of Love,” offers these tips to help you deal with the [...]