2 min readPublished On: September 30, 2024

Activate Your Dream with these 6 Practices

By Deborah Dippolito

A dream is a cherished ambition from your heart that you may not know exactly how to realize. It always requires you grow into the person who has the dream.  But how do you start?

In an article called “How to Follow Your Dreams” from GAIA.COM it’s suggested that passion and curiosity are the surest ways to find your abandoned dreams.  

Here are six key practices for realizing your dreams.

  1. Gain clarity about your core values and passions in your health, relationships, vocation and finances and write them down.  There needs to be congruence between what you value and what you love.  I found the book “The Passion Test,” by Chris and Janet Atwood to be a wonderful tool to help with gaining precise clarity about your passions.
  1. Commit to your dream and detach from when and how your dream will be realized.   The “when” and “how” is the job of the divine.  
  1. Address your energetic limits that sabotage you from advancing toward your dream or any setbacks you may experience along the way.   I worked with a client who had a dream of attracting her soulmate.  However, her energy was blocked with resentment toward her ex-husband and desperation for love.  I showed her how to release her anger and sooth her impatience with Emotional Freedom Technique, aka “tapping.”  This was a turning point for her.  She released her anger at her ex and began to attract men who were into her.  Use whatever helps you go beyond your limits!
  1. Imagine and feel yourself living your dream now as often as possible.  The subconscious mind registers what you experience as reality.  It is literal.  Your dream may not look like your present circumstances so it’s important to persist in setting the intention daily to be the person living your dream now.  
  1. Get support.  Mentors have often done this work in their own lives and know what works to transform your life and be good guides.
  1. Take daily inspired action toward your dream.  When you get a nudge to do something to bring your dream into reality follow it immediately!  These nudges are divine guidance helping you fulfill your deepest desires.

Have fun on your journey toward your dreams!

To learn more or to reach Deborah, visit https://deborah-dippolito.learnworlds.com/home or https://dancethemusicofyoursoul.com.

About the Author: AkersArt


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