2.5 min readPublished On: August 5, 2024

Sand Traps: 10 Common Retirement Challenges

Life is a journey. Retirement is a journey too. With older adults living longer than ever before, today’s retirement journey can last 10-30+ years.  There are many twists and turns full of fun, joy, and sorrow. There are sand traps, too.

Learning how to navigate the retirement journey takes awareness and planning for the unexpected challenges. With a play on golf, the common retirement challenges are known as sand traps. Whether or not you play golf, you can imagine the dreadful feeling when your ball lands in a sand trap. You must walk into the messy sand to reach your ball. You may even get thrown off balance. You hope to rise above the mess and hit your ball onto the green near the pin. Getting stuck in a sand trap is not fun!

Here are 10 Common Retirement Sand Traps:

The identity retirement sand trap may be one of the most challenging traps to overcome.  You are no longer asked, “What do you do?”  You are now asked, “Who are you?”

When retirees enter the full retirement stage, there is a huge and unexpected void. Structure and routines provide a blueprint for motivation and momentum.

Partner Alignment
Couples may find their visions of retirement may not be compatible, or their roles may change.  Couples may also discover they have grown apart.

The retirement transition can be full of anxiety and stress, especially when there is an abundance of free time. Feeling lost and the fear of the unknown are overwhelming.

Whether by choice or unexpected circumstances, millions of older adults are living solo. As you age, are you prepared to live independently?

Plan B
What will you do when you can no longer enjoy interests and activities you once enjoyed? Who will take care of you if you can no longer take care of yourself?

Many retirees do get bored in retirement. For some, there may be health conditions affecting their ability to explore new interests. For most, an individual has not discovered an activity or hidden talent that sparks their interest.

Individuals with a connection to purpose have greater reasons to get up each morning. They are more engaged and productive; and their relationships are more fulfilling.

Where will you live for the next 10-30+ years?  If your health declines, will you have easy access to health care providers and services? Will you be able to keep up with the maintenance? Will your neighborhood provide you with a sense of community?

Comfort Zone
As we age, our bodies naturally become less strong, sharp, and flexible. To not give in to the aging process requires extra effort.  The more you do what you know you are supposed to do, the more you can enjoy your retirement journey.

The more you can learn about how to stay out of the retirement sand traps, the more fun and joy you can have on your retirement journey.  Enjoy the journey!


About the Author: Nancy Stampahar

Nancy Stampahar
Nancy Stampahar is a certified transformation life coach for seniors, an instructor for The Villages Enrichment Academy and award-winning author of the book “Peace, Love, and Lemonade: A Recipe to Make Your Life Sweeter”. Nancy helps pre-retirees and retirees plan for smooth retirement transitions and get reoriented after experiencing retirement challenges. Nancy earned her BSBA in human resource management from Robert Morris University.

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