1.3 min readPublished On: March 24, 2020

Webinar will offer guidance to businesses during current upheaval


Most businesses need to take steps now to make sure they can weather the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lake County Economic Development is hosting a SCORE webinar, “Business Survival in the Pandemic,” from 7-8pm Monday, March 30. This webinar provides guidance on how businesses can survive the turmoil and market changes.

This is a free online workshop that will be conducted on Zoom. Registration is required. Visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egzldo5l2c1db2b1&oseq=&c=1c716fa0-18ba-11e8-b5a2-d4ae5292c3f3&ch=1c75b560-18ba-11e8-b5a2-d4ae5292c3f3.

The speaker will be Jeff Greenspan, who navigated his business through three recessions, according to a Lake County Economic Development posting. He will discuss steps that businesses should consider now and review new resources being made available at the federal and state levels.

Jeff founded and ran an IT consulting company for 27 years in the Washington, D.C., area, and he successfully sold the company in 2013. A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and a proponent of lifelong learning, he is working on his second master’s degree at the University of Florida. Jeff provides merger-and-acquisition and financial consulting services to growth-oriented technical companies and serves as chairman of SCORE North Central Florida Chapter.

SCORE a nonprofit resource of the U.S. Small Business Administration in which volunteers provide mentoring services to businesses.

For more information, contact Barry Black, education director for Mid-Florida SCORE, at 352.399.0050 or midflorida@scorevolunteer.org.


About the Author: Akers Editorial


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