0.6 min readPublished On: September 28, 2018

Love your money

According to author Crystal Oculee, one of the most important relationships in your life is the one you have with your money. When it comes to your bank account, you want everything to be positive: its balance, its growth, and your feelings about it.  Crystal offers simple tips to apply to your money:

  • Deepen the bond—keep track of your money.
  • Don’t let it take over your life—if you’re anxious when you hand over a credit or debit card, money is controlling you.
  • Celebrate it—indulge once in a while.
  • Offer it R-E-S-P-E-C-T—care about it enough to build wealth.

“Money Confidence: Advice for Women to Take Control of Their Financial Freedom Now” by Crystal Oculee is out now and available at retailers and online.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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