0.9 min readPublished On: October 28, 2018

It’s me time!

The freedom that comes with moving to college is often celebrated with poor spending habits and accruing debt. Worse than the “freshman 15” is the thought of ruining your credit score before you have a chance to get a job and establish yourself as a productive adult. Keep these tips in mind in between studying and enjoying your new freedom:

  • Create a budget. Write down your expenses and where all your money goes. It keeps you aware.
  • Use a credit card wisely. Credit card companies go after college students because they know how easy it is to rack up lots of debt in a short time.
  • Pay the full amount every month. Make payments on time. Establish a habit of paying before the due date. Use your student loan money properly. That money is meant for education only.
  • Share expenses when possible. Shop in bulk with two or three friends. Share meals when eating out.

Going to college doesn’t have to mean getting in over your head. Be aware of how much money you have and where it goes to make it work.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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