0.9 min readPublished On: March 1, 2020

It’s about thyme

If a new garden is in your plans this spring, perhaps you should consider growing your own herb garden. An herb garden also will add to your home’s curb appeal and potentially boost your health with these benefits:

Mint: Peppermint oil is more effective than a placebo at treating irritable bowel syndrome.

Basil: Displays protective attributes against fatty acid oxidation and also reduces both fasting and post-prandial blood glucose in diabetics. 

Thyme: Contains thymol, which scientifically has been found to have antiseptic, anti-fungal characteristics. 

Oregano: Helps treat respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, menstrual cramps and urinary tract disorders. 

Rosemary: Contains carnosol, which is a potent anti-cancer compound. 


Sources: marksdailyapple.com/health-benefits-herbs/#axzz2wLDpWPnw




About the Author: Akers Editorial


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