1 min readPublished On: March 28, 2019

Fresh start, fresh heart


If you recently experienced the breakup of a relationship, you may feel deep loss. Bridget Fonger, author of “Superhero of Love,” offers these tips to help you deal with the pain of a relationship ending:

  • Write a letter. If you are having intense emotions—anger, sadness, longing—you can write a letter and say whatever you wish, knowing it will never leave your hands.
  • Repeat this mantra: “I am loved. I am loved. I am loved.” Repeat it until you feel at least a spark of awareness of the truth of that statement.
  • Create a feelings altar, for instance, a corner of a table that will remain undisturbed with a small candle and bowl placed on it. Write down your feelings for seven days and leave them at the altar. Commit to taking one action to breathe air into that feeling, allow it to move, and come off the altar.
  • Dedicate an act of love. Doing something positive can help you heal. You could start a Go Fund Me page that inspires you or treat a neighbor or someone you know who could use extra support. This can create a healing pathway for your heart.

Used with permission.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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