0.6 min readPublished On: April 28, 2019

Color away stress


The popularity of adult coloring continues, according to colorit.com. The activity not only provides an outlet for creativity but also offers relief from stress that is equated with meditation. Colorit.com offers these seven reasons coloring is good for adults:

  • Your brain experiences relief because you enter a meditative state.
  • Your stress and anxiety levels are lowered due to concentration on the activity.
  • Negative thoughts move out with thoughts of colorful creativity.
  • Focusing on coloring is a way to achieve mindfulness—being in the moment.
  • You’re not using technology. Enough said.
  • Color doesn’t take talent or artistry; just color the page the way you want it.
  • It’s a transportable hobby. It fits easily in a purse or briefcase.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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