4.4 min readPublished On: February 1, 2020

Before you conceive

Getting pregnant is not justa physical affair.

Story: Saskia Roell

Eating healthy foods is essential for preparing your body to conceive. But it’s not the whole picture. Your physical, emotional and mental bodies work seamlessly together. If you are eating too much junk food, it can create hormonal imbalances. But if you are relentlessly depriving yourself of foods you love, you are probably living in a guilty, unhappy mood much of the time. I believe getting pregnant should be fun, not a chore.

Fertility is a Body Mind affair. When there is a lot of stress, it affects your body’s hormones, not to mention your mood and your thoughts. Scientific research has proved that when Body Mind work is included with intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), the success rate goes from 10-20 percent to 42-52 percent. Of women who did natural conception and did a Body Mind program, 55 percent got pregnant within six months, and 95 percent got pregnant within two years.

So, it’s important to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. Here are four steps to ensure you have a healthy body and a healthy mind so conception is a wonderful journey you’ll never forget:

To get pregnant, change your thoughts now

You have 60,000 thoughts every day, and 80 percent of them are negative. Worry creates a contraction in the body. If you think, “What if I am too old?” change it to “What if I am the perfect age to conceive.” Sarah, a client of mine, released her deep fear of miscarriage, changed her daily thoughts and became pregnant in four months at 43.

As a certified clinical hypnotherapist and specialist in somatic healing and fertility therapy, I want every woman out there to know there is hope. If you have unexplained infertility, there is almost always a reason; not a medical, reason, an emotional one. When I work with clients, we do Body Mind work to release the fear that is keeping them from conception. They get back into an emotionally centered, happy state. They change the negative self-talk and begin to welcome their babies home. This is why seven out of 10 of my private clients become pregnant.

Women from 35 to 45, no matter how many in vitros they have done, get pregnant naturally, usually within two to six months. If you change your thoughts, you will change your mind. Your body can then relax and let go. Conception becomes so much easier.

Reconnect with your body

A lot of women are so focused on what’s wrong with their body that they disconnect from their bodies. Here’s what you can do to connect to your body again.

Before you go to bed and just after you wake up, place one hand over your heart and think about someone you love. Then place your other hand over your belly, imagine that same love and give it to your belly, to your womb. Now you can you start connecting both hands from your heart to your belly.

Do this for a week and you’ll notice a shift. You’ll start to connect more to your body.

Your baby wants to come to you

Feed your body with healthy food and feed your mind with healthy, positive thoughts. If you can feel that little soul sitting on your shoulder, talk to him or her and welcome your baby into your life. My wish for you is to become a happy mom.

If you are trying to conceive and would like a little help, go to getpregnantnow.com and find out the No. 1 reason that blocks your baby from coming to you.

Eat healthy but don’t forget to have fun

Food can have a tremendous effect on your health. It’s important to eat lots of organic fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish. Taking good supplements is vital. However, don’t go overboard.

Trying to get pregnant can destroy your life balance. It can feel as if your life is on hold. Your relationship with your husband can be tough, because nothing’s fun anymore, and lovemaking is a chore. If you have a glass of wine, you feel guilty and beat yourself up. And you always think you’re not doing enough.

When I see a woman who feels guilty because she’s had a sip of wine, I see a stressed-out woman who gets cranky on her date night with her husband. Getting pregnant is not just a physical affair. It’s so important to apply the 80/20 rule. Eat healthily, and every now and then, eat something you love.

Have your guilty pleasure. Your baby wants to come to a happy mom. When you are happier, your husband is happier. You’re more attracted to your husband. You see other pregnant women and think, “That’s me!” You begin to believe, behave and embody your fertile energy. You are in “conceive mode.” Your body can now open up to conceive.


About the writer Saskia Roell is a happy, fulfilled mother of five. She is a soul purpose expert; IVF, fertility and birthing coach; bestselling author; coauthor with Jack  Canfield and Deepak Chopra; and a speaker.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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