• Published On: May 31, 2021By 2.1 min read

    Paige Grimes wants to give every kid the chance to dance.  Photos: Nicole Hamel Nineteen-year-old Paige Grimes is ready for her next “step” after hosting the grand opening for her [...]

  • Published On: March 31, 2021By 2.8 min read

    Lake County’s masked man comes to rescue with over 30,000 masks. Photos: Nicole Hamel Tim Totten, owner of Final Embrace, found a creative solution when hospitals and health facilities were [...]

  • Published On: January 29, 2021By 5.7 min read

    A diet of 80% whole foods does a body good. Food as medicine is by no means a new concept. The idea derives from 5th century science and Hippocrates, the [...]