0.6 min readPublished On: September 28, 2018

Asleep in one

In a just released national poll, golf has been voted the dullest sport to watch—and the best one to cure insomnia. Conversely, ice hockey was voted the least sleep-inducing sport to watch. Cricket took second place and most sleep inducing followed by baseball and soccer, tied for third. This information is from a survey of 1,002 Americans by pollsters on behalf of calm.com, the popular meditation and sleep app. Golf topped the poll by a landslide—picked by nearly half (49 percent) of all respondents—and by 58 percent of female respondents versus 40 percent of males.

See the ranking of sports and additional info:blog.calm.com/press-1/golf-best-sport-to-cure-insomnia
* Used with permission of Calm.com.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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