0.8 min readPublished On: March 28, 2019

Ask Ken Coleman: Using discretion in job hunting


Do the honorable thing

Question: I want to transition from my current job to a new position with a different company. How should I approach my employer about taking time off for interviews?

Answer: My preference would be to use vacation time or, if possible, schedule any interviews during your lunch break. In a situation like this, the honorable thing is for you to make the sacrifice.

You don’t have to tell an employer all your plans when you take time off, but you don’t want to lie to them, either. Just letting them know you have a personal matter to attend to, and you don’t feel it’s right to take care of it on company time, is enough.

About the writer: Ken Coleman is host of “The Ken Coleman Show” and the top-rated “EntreLeadership” podcast, and author of “One Question: Life-Changing Answers from Today’s Leading Voices.” Follow him at kencolemanshow.com or facebook.com/kencolemanshow.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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