0.8 min readPublished On: April 28, 2019

An answer to the opioid epidemic


More than 130 Americans die every day due to the opioid epidemic, the National Institute on Drug Abuse says. Genie O’Malley, an award-winning humanitarian, has developed a wellness program called Feelz. Along with her Living Breath Process, which was successful in the Santa Cruz, California, Justice Department, recidivism and enhanced healing were achieved. When patients go to the emergency room, care ends when the patient is stabilized. This is where getyourfeelzon.com, Genie’s wellness program, begins. Emotional wellness programs going digital is important as it provides greater access to programs and services for individuals and groups, Genie says in a press release. These programs are affordable and discreet, providing individuals, families, and communities with sustainable healing solutions. Because programs are more accessible than ever, everyone can start to take their mental health more seriously.

Of the 40 participants who chose emotional wellness:

  • 38 have sustained their healing from heroin, opiates, and methamphetamines for seven years.
  • $15,889,304 in daily treatment savings since 2010.
  • More than $5 million in societal cost savings since 2010.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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