3.2 min readPublished On: October 28, 2019

Mind over perpetual patterns

In our multidimensional academic understanding of the mind, many of us have lost our way. Professionals and the public alike misunderstand the importance of this powerful gift. All too often we think about developing knowledge and increasing our capacity to use our brain in a linear way. 

Story: Dr. Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Unfortunately, the mind has very little to do with the brain itself. It has more to do with the omnipresent, invisible library of perpetual wisdom and consistent truth that surrounds all of us at all times. 

Our job is not to tame the mind, but to liberate it and allow our heart to take the lead in choosing enriched thoughts. It is from this epicenter of enlightenment that we clearly find and define what knowledge is important.  

We have come to believe the perpetual patterns of harvesting knowledge and categorically placing it on the shelves of our memory is appropriate. But in order to free ourselves to harvest true wisdom we must knock down those shelves and abolish crude data. 

Calming the brain by focusing on instinct is the most effective route to accomplishing this essential feat. Some choose to do this via prayer, contemplation, meditation, exercise or even deep rest. Whichever route you favor, employ it so the calming influence is abundant and effective. 

Once you free yourself from the grips of perpetual thinking and permit the higher level of instinct to become your platform for growth, it becomes easier to access the heart and find unchallengeable truth. Truth in its purest form makes every cell in your body tingle, and your overall sense becomes confident in its grace. 

Your ultimate mission as a member of the species Homo sapiens is to reach back to the untainted time when you were an embryo—all capable, all wise and all-knowing—and become comfortable with that magnitude of responsibility. 

Our concept of age creating sophistication has been shattered and needs to be rethought. At the young vulnerable time, our unadulterated self was limitless with endless potential to be, do, or create anything we dreamed of. As years passed, we gathered increasing perpetual patterns of thoughts and clutter. It became more difficult for us to access the godliness within our souls.  

The mind is much more than we have thought it to be in the past. When passionate in pursuing self-realization, you are actually rediscovering who you are from the beginning. When  you’re prepared for it, it’s a magnificent encounter that empowers you with the strength to stand for honesty, purity and power. Your self-doubt will dissolve into a universal strength that is the greatest gift God bestowed upon us. Doubt comes from the misuse of the brain and its pretense to be the mind. You are not who you think you are. You are much greater!

Our frailty and insignificant faith in self often comes from a life of tenuous commitment. The truth you gather and employ from the heart maintains a protective armor and impenetrable fortress so you can live passionately and contribute fully. 

At Hippocrates Health Institute, one of the most important areas where we help people grow is true mind development. Until you walk this route and change the signpost placed there by a disharmonious culture and society, it is impossible to flourish and heal permanently. 

My message to you today is that everything you struggle with can easily be resolved. All the problems you perceive to be insurmountable can be conquered. Your true power is God’s gift of free-flowing and fluid thought.  

About the writer Brian Clement, Ph.D., LN., is co-director of Hippocrates Health Institute. He has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than 35 years. He and his wife and co-director, Anna Maria, brought the Institute to Florida in 1986.

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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