1 min readPublished On: March 28, 2019

Tips for good mental health


Taking care of yourself includes looking after your mental health. Try these tips:

  • Talk about your feelings to help your mental health and to deal with troublesome times.
  • Keep active as exercise can boost self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look, and feel better.
  • Eat well so your brain gets the nutrients it needs to function well, just like other organs in your body.
  • Drink sensibly because alcohol can change moods, and it shouldn’t be used to deal with loneliness or fear.
  • Keep in touch with people—face to face, with a call or note, or an online chat.
  • Ask for help when you are tired or overwhelmed, especially when you feel you can’t cope.
  • Take a break with a change of scenery or change of pace; a five-minute pause can clear your head and help you de-stress.
  • Do something you’re good at, whatever you love doing, and something in which you can lose yourself to beat stress and boost self-esteem.
  • Accept who you are because you’re unique and you don’t have to be like someone else. Care for others because relationships are vital in finding and giving support.

Source: mentalhealth.org

About the Author: Akers Editorial


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