4.1 min readPublished On: November 28, 2017

Sexy, sculpted arms in time for holiday dress season

Writer: Sloane Davis

We usually think of summer as the time to bare ourselves in bathing suits and tank tops, but the holidays are approaching and we will be dressing in holiday formal wear, which will bare our arms as well.

We all want to look our best regardless of the time of year it is, and it’s true that there is no “season” for getting into shape. We must maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle all year if we really want to see results.

With that being said, to get those arms looking sexy and sculpted, follow these exercises and you are sure to hit the holiday season with a bang, sporting that sexy dress or top you wanted to wear.

My favorite part of the body and the area that most people see is the shoulders. And the good part about sculpting sexy shoulders is you don’t need heavy weights, a gym, or fancy equipment.

If you have dumbbells in the house or go to a gym, fantastic. But if you don’t, grab two water bottles or anything with a bit of weight you can hold in your hands.

Some of my favorite shoulder exercises:

Side lateral raises

Start with weights in front of your thighs and lift out to the side. Do not lift the weights past your shoulders, and the weights should be in your peripheral vision in a V shape, not hyperextended out to the side.

Front raises

Take the weights and extend them out to the front. Again, don’t lift higher than shoulder height. Elbows should not be locked, but keep arms straight. Legs should be a few inches apart for stability.

Seated shoulder presses

Sit on a back-supported chair and press the weights above your head. Palms should be facing out. This is great for your core, too, as sitting engages it a bit more.

Training triceps is also a good idea. Triceps are those “bat wings” that most women love to hate. While many people focus on the biceps, the triceps are a much larger muscle.

So, if we can begin to grow the triceps, your arms take on a more toned shape as they are located on the outside of the arm.

Back exercises include:

Arm row 1

Place a leg up, knee on bench (or ottoman or chair at home), leaning forward, row with the dumbbell in the opposite hand.

You never want to be leaning over; chest should be pointed out and butt should be out. Good form is very important.

Arm row 2

Bend your knees, push chest out and butt back, and row both arms simultaneously. Arms should come down all the way and back up to a rowing motion. Do not round back or bend over.

Renegade row

Get into a push-up position with hands holding dumbbells and row. This is great core work as well while building muscles in your back.

Triceps exercises include:

Overhead extension

Place dumbbell directly over your head, holding with both hands. Bend just the top portion of your arm (elbow to wrist) back. This is a very isolated move so your back should not move in any way.

Triceps kickbacks

Get into a lunge position and lean forward holding on to something if you need to. Your chest should be leaning forward, and you will start by holding your arm straight with dumbbell in hand.

Bend the top part of your arm (elbow to wrist) in and squeeze the triceps when extending out.   Your back is always important to train and build muscle on.

The goal is to widen your back so you create the illusion of a smaller waist. While we don’t get to see our own backs very often, it is extremely flattering to have a sculpted, toned back.

All sorts of rowing exercises are excellent for building muscle in your back. Because the back has much larger muscles than shoulders and triceps, we can push a bit heavier weight.

Don’t be afraid to test your strength. You are stronger than you think. Perform three to five sets of 10 to 15 reps for all these. It’s important to always add progression to your workouts.

So if you can only do three sets of 10 reps the first time, aim for 11 reps the second time. When you reach 12 reps, it’s time to move on to four sets.

We must always push muscles out of their comfort zones. Remember, muscles grow when they are fed and rested. So be sure to include a healthy, nutritious diet so you reap all the benefits.

As you can see, all of these exercises can be done at home, at your own leisure and convenience. If you perform all of them, it should take only about 30 minutes, and they are all very effective.

With the proper nutrition, you should have gorgeous, sculpted arms just in time to show off that beautiful holiday dress.


About the Author: Akers Editorial


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